Did you ever wonder how to find your health ?

You find your way by knowing WHERE YOU ARE . . .
figure out WHERE YOU NEED TO GO . . .
and move steadily in the RIGHT DIRECTION !
SELF-REFERRAL is the way your body governs itself. Your brain has setpoints for normal body operation. These include temperature, heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, digestion and so forth. By comparing your body’s present status with the ideal, your brain automatically creates health through making body adjustments. This constant back-and-forth communication between brain and body is what creates health. We now have new ways to help you optimize SELF-REFERRAL – and move toward your best health – this is MAXIMUM HEALTH..
. . .we move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH.

MAXIMUM HEALTH is your best possible health. We get there through better understanding how the body works. The more we restore SELF-REFERRAL, the more we achieve MAXIMUM HEALTH.
Where the search for MAXIMUM HEALTH begins . . .
How do we move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH? Everyone has health challenges – some more than others. By comparing your health factors with recommended healthy guidelines, we identify health strength and weakness. We can then lay out a road map to go from where we are toward the best health we can achieve. This is how we learn to optimize lifestyle through stress reduction, better nutrition, exercise, and synchronizing with the rhythms of nature. With this comprehensive approach we seek the best health possible – MAXIMUM HEALTH.

Dr. Michael Borger
Board Certified Family Practice Physician
Author, Educator, and Health Coach
. . . and where the search for MAXIMUM HEALTH ends.
SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH is the newly published book that chronicles the intellectual journey of Dr. Michael Borger. Starting medical practice in 1978 as a Family Practice physician, he spent over 42 years rendering primary care to thousands of patients. Working in the office, Emergency Room, assisting surgeries, making House Calls, and assisting ambulance runs with city EMS Dr. Borger got a lot of practical experience and insights – and you can share his journey of learning and discovery.
Central to his thinking was moving away from band-aid medicine – the fast and superficial medical care rendered by many – and moving toward promoting health and wellness. He reasoned that high quality disease management combined with stress reduction and optimizing lifestyle choices would not only improve existing disease but also promote comprehensive health and move patients toward MAXIMUM HEALTH.
Multiple Book Formats Available !
This book is written for anyone high school age or older. Patients will learn how their body works and how to move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH ! Health professionals will learn how SELF-REFERRAL creates health – and how to move their patients away from disease and toward MAXIMUM HEALTH !
Act TODAY -get your ticket for Maximum Health TODAY !

SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH is available in eBook, paperback, and hardback formats. Take any of the CLICK LINKS below to take a look at what is available. Make a conscious decision to improve your health ! This is your opportunity to move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH !
Act TODAY -get your ticket for Maximum Health TODAY !
This book is a roadmap to better understand how the body works and how we can all move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH.
People today have an ultimately fatalistic attitude about their health. If they are healthy, they don’t think about it much. If they become victims of disease, they suffer. Other than stopping smoking, losing some weight, and getting some exercise most people have very little idea where to start to create or build health. And even if they know that much, can anyone do more than apply willpower and hope for the best?
Dr. Michael Borger spent 42 years in Famaily Practice medicine and learned a lot about helping people regain their health. He concluded that teaching patients how to get and stay healthy is just as important as getting the diagnosis and treatment right. He helped thousands of people over many years meet their health challenges, apply the principles he outlines in Self-Referral/Maximum Health, and move toward their best health ever – MAXIMUM HEALTH.
Read the book Self-Referral/Maximum Health now to get inside information on how medical care works – from the inside out – and how you can learn to get the most from your medical care. When you participate cooperatively with your doctor, you will be amazed at how much improvement will follow – and how you can easily move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH.
Self-Referral/Maximum Health also teaches about the Adaptation Crisis that humanity now faces. The level of stress that people experience every day far exceeds that of any past historic period. We are in an era where daily stress levels are so high that sleep is just not enough to counteract the stress and strain we all face every day. A key part of Self-Referral/Maximum Health is detailing how people everywhere can reverse the negative health effects of stress.
Calling for a Modern Reformation of Medical Care
The book SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH offers a fresh, new vision of how the human body works. The basis of all health is SELF-REFERRAL. The body governs itself dynamically based on communication between brain and body. If SELF-REFERRAL is effective, health is the natural result. If SELF-REFERRAL is impaired, disease is the equally natural result.
This book champions a modern reformation of medical care. Offering strategy and tactics for health professionals and patients alike, SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH clearly shows the deadly effects of Stress – and teaches how to combat it successfully. Equally important in promoting health are critical lifestyle choices like diet, exercise, and other lifestyle choices.
Focusing on Family Practice style Primary Care, the book clearly outlines simple and realistic ways to improve medical care. The book also documents extensive research that proves measures like reducing Stress radically improve health. MAXIMUM HEALTH is attainable – and it also will drastically cut medical costs.