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Help build the Self-Referral/Maximum Health community by bringing your ideas to the mix !

The Self-Referral/Maximum Health Community is a lively place to be ! Dr. Michael Borger has set up links in many platforms of social media to allow people to engage with him and each other. The ideas involved are truly innovative and potentially very useful – both to patients and health professionals. Get involved through these links and let’s move Self-Referral/Maximum Health into the public forum !

Share your thoughts about today’s medical care. Do you have some ideas how we can improve it? How can we use the ideas described in the book Self-Referral/Maximum Health to improve medical care – both as patients and as health professionals?

Dr. Michael Borger has a strong presence on Substack. His best current writing will be found there. See this Website’s Substack page or link below now – and subscribe !

Join the discussion and share Dr. Michael Borger's ideas. You can interact with Dr. Borger directly through these links. Tap the platform's icon to the left of the description to connect directly right now:

Dr. Michael Borger has a strong interactive presence on X (formerly known as Twitter.) He tweets often and is actively involved in discussions on the X

platform. Interactions are lively and may become quite animated. This is where you can state something to Dr. Borger directly and you are likely to get a quick reply.

You will find Dr. Michael Borger’s most current writing at  Substack – the premier platform for creative writers. You will discover that Dr. Borger has continued thinking and writing well beyond the ideas found in the book Self-Referral/Maximum Health.

The ideas in Dr. Borger’s book are rapidly becoming the basis for serious medical care reform based on the Health Approach that effectively combats stress and promotes healthy lifestyle. Patients and healthcare professionals alike benefit from this knowledge.

Presentations in Instagram are more visual with shorter text and ideas. This is a great platform to quickly convey thoughts and share insights. Dr. Michael Borger has a strong presence with frequent posting. You can quickly learn Dr. Borger’s many ideas of 

improving medical care. This allows for swift exchanges of ideas that are  pleasant, entertaining, and filled with knowledge found in the book Self-Referral/Maximum Health. Newer ideas found in the Substack writing will also appear in Instagram posts.

The Facebook Page is aptly called Self-Referal/Maximum Health Central. This is the central hub of all SR/MH operations. You will find the latest news on Dr. Michael Borger’s activities and plans. Here is where you will find the latest news and information

of interest to those following SR/MH. New developments will include audio and video podcasts, Self-Referral Initiative Training Programs for healthcare professionals, and Self Referral Initiative Pilot Research Projects. Stay tuned for lots coming!

The Self-Referral Medical Group Website is dedicated to Healthcare Professionals who are exploring the ideas in the book Self-Referral/Maximum Health. There is more in-depth teaching there intended to help them learn and integrate the SR/MH knowledge to

improve medical care. Future plans including specific modular training programs to implement the the three legged stool support for Modern Medicine that is outlined in Dr. Michael Borger’s book, lectures, and Substack writing.

Read the Book That Started It All !

SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH is written for anyone high school age or older. Patients will learn how their body works and move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH ! Health professionals will learn how SELF-REFERRAL creates health and move their patients away from disease and toward MAXIMUM HEALTH !

SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH is available in eBook and paperback formats. Take the CLICK LINKS below to take a look at what is available. Make a conscious decision to improve your health ! There has never been a better opportunity to move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH ! Order your ticket to know TODAY !