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How do I start my journey

You must have your own Primary Care health provider.

You must start by establishing a good relationship with your healthcare provider. As is the case with all human relations, the basis of excellent medical care is mutual love and respect.

You must start by having your own Primary Care health professional. That means a Physician, Physician’s Assistant, or Nurse Practitioner. This is to be certain that you can get all necessary medical testing, evaluation, medications, and specialist referral if needed. Your Primary Care professional will give all specific evaluation and medical advice. Remember: to start the road to MAXIMUM HEALTH, you must determine your HEALTH STATUS. From there you can work with your Primary Care professional to integrate the SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH knowledge with your healthcare provider.

Remember: the SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH program depends on combining several new components of medical care with  ALL of Modern Medicine. It is not a “replace medicine with something else approach – we seek to optimize all available medical care to moe toward MAXIMUM HEALTH.

You can learn a lot from this Website.

You can learn a lot from this Website. A lot of the SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH knowledge is well and thoroughly presented here. You can study the individual Web pages, read the sequential Blogposts, and follow the Links to related Websites. Also watch for periodic offers of free eBooks on topics that supplement the information presented here. You will find a lot of information and ideas to help you on your quest for MAXIMUM HEALTH. And remember; this is not a short-term quick fix-you-up program. It requires you to learn the principles and apply them to your ongoing healthcare and lifestyle.

You Can Learn a Lot from the Book


SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH is written for anyone high school age or older. This text teaches you WHAT, WHY, and HOW to improve health !

Patients learn how the body works and how to move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH !  Health professionals will learn how SELF-REFERRAL creates health and to move patients away from disease and toward MAXIMUM HEALTH !

SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH is available in eBook and paperback formats. Take any of the CLICK LINKS below to take a look at what is available. This your chance to self-improve big time !

Make a conscious decision to improve your health ! There has never been a better opportunity to  improve SELF-REFERRRAL and move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH !

Everyone Wants MAXIMUM HEALTH - But Where Do We Start ?

Whether we are healthy already or facing health challenges, everyone wants health. We want to get up every day feeling rested. We want strength in our body with a sense that we are ready to go. We want to think clearly and plan our activities effectively. We take all these things for granted until we can no longer say they are true.

Our health can become lost, like seagulls in the distance. We know we need to start finding our health, but how do we start? And how do we know the path to take?

Health Coaching is something that everyone can use in a very practical way. That is the purpose of this Website – to provide Health Coaching that you and your health professional can use to optimize your medical care.

This Website should never be used as a source for medical care or specific medical advice. See the disclaimer below for specifics in this area. With that said, what does this Website offer? 

You can read and study over 40 Years . . .
or learn here, now . . .

. . . and learn at your own pace, working with your own Doctor.

It is way better to think ahead and create health than just to do nothing and duck disease when it appears. As in archery, you hit your target only when you aim well. This Website is to help you gain a broad, wide-angle view of what you can do to move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH.

Read the Book That Started It All !

SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH is written for anyone high school age or older. Patients learn how the body works and how to move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH ! Health professionals will learn how SELF-REFERRAL creates health and how to move patients away from disease and toward MAXIMUM HEALTH !

Make a conscious decision today to improve your health ! There has never been a better opportunity to  move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH !

SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH is available in eBook and paperback formats. Take any of the CLICK LINKS below to take a look at what is available. It is easy to get the book that started the SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH movement !

Make a Conscious Choice


The first step is to realize that you have a choice in your future health. Wherever you are in the spectrum of health – from trouble free to facing major health challenges – you can still make choices now that will improve your chances for future MAXIMUM HEALTH – but this will require that you take action to determine your HEALTH STATUS – and it will requite you to take responsibility for your choices and lifestyle to move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH. You must decide whether you will remain passive and just take any health or disease that comes your way – or if you want to fight to improve yourself and move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH.

You must get a current evaluation of your health. Once you know your Health Status you can proceed with a concerted effort toward MAXIMUM HEALTH in the following way:

Deal effectively with all health conditions found through your Health Status evaluation. Record all medical conditions and exactly what you are doing about them. It is critical that you periodically meet with your healthcare provider to monitor each condition and check your general health. Fully comply with your health professional’s advice on follow-up visits, medications, diet, exercise, and other factors. If you are healthy with no conditions, continue to see your healthcare professional at least once a year or more often as they direct.

Learn Transcendental Meditation as soon as you can. TM is proven to be the most effective cure for the stress of modern life. Multiple research studies prove that TM improves the majority of common medical conditions. The reason why is that TM restores the brain’s SELF-REFERRAL, opening the path to move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH. Accept no substitutes like Mindfulness or other meditation techniques. TM will produce the full range of positive health effects you need.

See an expert in musculoskeletal diagnosis and therapy. The ideal route to take is to have a D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathy) as your Family Physician. That way you can deal with the same health professional for your medical care as well as musculoskeletal care. The D.O. will evaluate your posture, discuss any musculoskeletal problems you have, and proceed to treating you to correct bone and muscle imbalances. This work removes large amounts of deep-seated stress to allow your body to achieve advanced healing.

Work with your healthcare professional to determine your ability to exercise. Medical research shows that exercise will improve everyone’s health who is able to do it. Exercise can range from a steady walk four times a week to more vigorous exercise, depending on your physical ability to do it. Always see your healthcare professional and obtain clearance for any exercise program you want to start. Be cautious, start modestly, and do not push too hard! There is nothing more unwise than hurting yourself trying to get healthy!

Work to optimize your weight – especially if you are seriously overweight. Get direction from your healthcare provider as to what your weight should be for your height and age. Never start any diet or other treatment for weight loss without obtaining clearance and instructions from your healthcare provider. Weight Watchers has an excellent program that is healthy, easy to learn – and it delivers excellent results. Key is not to try and lose too much weight all at once. Go gradual and easy does it !

Changing Your Lifestyle Correctly

Will Move You Toward MAXIMUM HEALTH !

Establish relations with an expert in Maharishi AyurVeda. Getting  your physiology in balance is critical to achieve MAXIMUM HEALTH. You must get accurate evaluation of your body type and physiologic balance. Once all that is known, your professional will give you complete assistance with daily routine, diet and exercise specifics, and ways to monitor your own physiology to assist your progress. Adjusting your habits is easy when you see powerful improvements in your health – and those improvements will come quickly as you apply what you learn. Maharishi AyurVeda  is the perfect way to pull all your health-building work together and optimize SELF-REFERRAL to achieve MAXIMUM HEALTH!

Cultivate a Faith-Based Life. Explore your religious background thoroughly. Pray for God to guide you. Just go somewhere alone and talk to God in the way that is natural to you. You will find He always listens and will respond. Put aside time to read Scripture on a regular basis. Treat this like school – read the Scripture and keep a written journal of the notes you take as you study. There is great depth to be found there and you need to master it. Go to services on a regular basis.  You will hear teaching that backs up and supplements the learning you are doing with Scripture. Finally, get involved with small groups who are part of your faith. The friendships you will find will greatly enrich your life and this is yet another learning experience. The interesting thing is that God will use everyone – the clergy, the members, and most especially you. As you integrate your spiritual experience with the rest of your life, you will grow. You will go from an inner life of restlessness to one anchored in peace and moving you toward MAXIMUM HEALTH.

You will move from an inner life of restlessness to one anchored in peace – restoring SELF-REFERRAL and moving toward MAXIMUM HEALTH

Many people have commented that there is a tremendous amount of information on this Website to absorb. That is undoubtably true. But if you follow the previous seven-point list of how to move toward MAXIMUM HEALTH, the layout is quite simple. Knowing and understanding the truths that lie behind these seven points is what quickly becomes complex.

You may read all this and say, “I’ll never get all of this.” Yes you will. Take whichever of the seven points above that looks like what you want to work on and make that happen. When you are happy with your progress and are comfortable with it, pick one of the remaining six points to work on. You will master that as well. With reasonable effort on your part, you will work through all seven points to help you reach the goal of restoring SELF-REFERRAL and reaching MAXIMUM HEALTH.

What if you don’t have easy access to a D.O. or a Maharishi AyurVeda health professional? None of that should be a problem. Follow the links on the Website pages that teach about the respective subjects. The links will connect you directly with information that will allow you to find what you need. You may need to travel some distance to get everything, but if you are resourceful and determined, nothing will stop you from reaching your goals – except for you giving up. And if you have studied and learned this far, that will never happen.

You will be able to find much of what you need by studying this Website, downloading future free PDFs and eBooks, and networking with people and Websites that connect to the purposes of this one. The world truly is accessible these days – if you are willing to roll up your sleeves and work at it. And I know that you are the type of person who will do exactly that!

It's one thing to be lost at sea, not knowing how to get on course . . .

. . . but now you are above the waves, with a seagull's eye view.

What steps will you take on the road to . . .

Some Tips for Easy Rapid Learning

Take a moment. Look around the room. There is NOBODY here who is smarter than you. They are just as ordinary – or perhaps extraordinary – as you. They too are wondering how the heck they can figure all this out. Don’t freak out and quit!


All you have to do is read the pages, one at a time. Take pictures of it. Take notes on what is taught. Read it out loud to yourself or others to make sense of it. Discuss it with your friends. Take the information to your doctors and discuss it with them.


This information summarizes knowledge gained over 42 years of Family Practice experience. The insights were gained through the everyday practice of medicine, but a lot of true scholarship went into it. You can follow that trail by reading books that I did and working on leads arising from them.

You can learn quite effectively by reading the books listed on the RECOMMENDED BOOKS page. They link directly to Amazon so you can order them immediately.

I don’t put many links directly within the text, but the few that are there are very useful. Follow links that interest you as they will help to connect the dots. Every one of them is useful and, depending on what you need to learn, may be invaluable.

I wish you the best in your pursuit of SELF-REFERRAL/MAXIMUM HEALTH !

God Bless You and Best Regards… Dr. Michael Borger

Your best single move is to learn Transcendental Meditation as soon as possible.

Transcendental Meditation has been studied from the 1960s to now, adding up to thousands of published scientific studies proving that it works. Millions of people around the world practice Transcendental Meditation, twenty minutes twice a day. Scientific studies have repeatedly proven that it provides much deeper rest than sleep, reverses the physiologic effects of stress, and improves all common medical conditions like high blood pressure. irritable bowel, anxiety, and depression. Remember one critical fact: There are many other meditation techniques out there – Mindfulness and many others – and NONE of them have proven to truly restore SELF-REFERRAL and create MAXIMUM HEALTH. Learn the proven cure for the Stress of modern life. Tap the TM Link below now to learn TM!

TM is easier to learn now than ever ! Click the link to the right to go to the Website ! Find how easy it is to learn TM ! You can even learn TM online at home! Inquire TODAY !


The advice and information in this Website relates to general health care. It should be used to supplement rather than replace the advice of any doctor or trained health professional regarding your specific medical needs. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. If you have any health concerns, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively.

No treatment program, including drugs, surgery, or lifestyle changes, is effective for everyone. Some people may become worse despite any treatment or lifestyle changes. Do NOT make any changes in your health care treatment without consulting your doctor or health care professional; it can be very dangerous to suddenly stop taking some medications or other treatments.

One of the purposes of this Website is to teach you to participate more actively in your healthcare. You should strengthen communication between you and your doctor. Once it is published, you may wish to share the book Self-Referral/Maximum Health with your doctor. You can discuss it with your doctor so the two of you can work together more effectively to help you promote Self-Referral and achieve Maximum Health.

The author, publisher, and all sellers disclaim any liability for any outcomes arising directly or indirectly from the use of this Website or the book Self-Referral/Maximum Health .

Legal, Copyright, and Trademark Considerations

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Publisher, Northwood Enterprise Inc.

The following are protected trademarks and are used in the United States under license or with permission: Transcendental Meditation ®, TM ®, Maharishi ®,  Maharishi AyurVeda ®.